The 2015 Wrestling Springfest, sponsored by the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, features three events in one: the Prep-Public Braggin' Rights Dual Meet, our annual Spring Awards, and a college wrestling fair. The fair is a new element that is intended to bring together high school wrestlers and college wrestling coaches.
During the Braggin' Rights dual meet (starts at Noon), wrestlers can meet and greet with coaches from numerous New England clleges, including Bridgewater State, Daniel Webster, Norwich, Plymouth State, Rhode Island College, Roger Williams, Sacred Heart, Springfield, Trinity, Wesleyan, and Western New England College.
This year's spring awards will be presented to recipients at the Belmont Hill School on Sunday May 3, 2015, following the Prep-Public Braggin' Rights Dual Meet and the College Wrestling Fair.
The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame promotes wrestling on the youth, high school, and collegiate levels. By recognizing excellence and honoring wrestlers, coaches, and other outstanding people in our wrestling commmunity, the hall of fame endeavors to preserve our heritage, inspire the next generation, and grow the sport of wrestling.